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About Lutek

When it comes to filtering light, Lutek delivers the brightest ideas because we’re committed to exceptional service. Since 1968, Colorado architects, designers, and contractors have sought our expertise in covering windows and our creativity for design/build projects. Specializing in the manufacturing of all types of commercial window coverings, we offer innovative solutions.

In addition to motorized and manually operated draperies, solar shades, Roman shades, Roller shades and shutters, we also offer unique textile and design solutions for the most custom projects. Proud to manufacture in Colorado, Lutek is consistently recognized for its superior quality, service, and performance. From innovative design solutions through smart automation, we make high-quality window coverings for hospitality, commercial, civic, medical, education, multi-family, and high-end residential projects.

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Our History

Mary Lou Ralston founded Lutek in 1968, making draperies for friends and family in her basement. Since then, we have grown into a multi-million dollar business with a reputation for producing high-quality products and building lasting relationships.

Building on her mother’s legacy with a renewed vision, Kelli Beckish has served as the President since 2000. Together in 2007, Mary Lou and Kelli purchased the 18,000-square-foot building we had been leasing for 10 years. Through boom times and lean years, we have remained invested in this community and in doing business in Colorado.

We have our sights set on growth. In 2018 we moved to a new 36,000-square-foot headquarters and manufacturing facility in Arvada. We look forward to expanding our capabilities and continuing to serve our fellow Colorado businesses by rolling up our sleeves and rolling out shades.

Image: Lutek Founder, Mary Lou Ralston, and President, Kelli Beckish

WBE Certified

Lutek is a Women’s Business Enterprise, as well as a family business. Mary Lou Ralston founded Lutek in 1968, and today, her daughter Kelli Beckish serves as President. For more information about Denver’s WBE goals, please visit the Denver Office of Economic Development.

Certified WBE Small Business EnterpriseDisadvantage Business Enterprise

Made in the USA!

All of our products are manufactured in the United States, where we can oversee production firsthand, and confidently guarantee the results. Our 36,000-square-foot manufacturing facility located in beautiful Arvada, Colorado houses hundreds for fabrics and products where our experienced production team hand builds the highest quality shades, and our specialty installation team oversees insertion. Lutek is continually innovating, manufacturing, and providing the best products and customer service in the industry.

5315 Xenon St
Arvada, Colorado 80002

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We Offer Innovative Solutions for Your Hospitality, Commercial, Medical, and Custom Residential Projects